Tip: Call Wine Access to Prioritize Promo Code Utilization

Monday, May 3, 2021

Wine Access does promo codes a little differently than other online retailers. Rather than having a box to enter a promo code at check-out, promotions are "attached" to accounts for later use.

This creates a situation where you might have multiple promotions associated with the account, some of which might lead to a larger discount than others.

I thought for a while that their system would select the discount with the great dollar savings but I ran into a case recently where that wasn't happening.

For example I have an ongoing 10% off (through FoundersCard) and a $50 off $200 offer.

I wanted to use the $50 off $200 but the system was priorizing the 10% discount for $20 off.

To check your Credits & Promotions go here:

Wine Access customer service is generally well-regarded so I gave them a call to see what my options were:

(866) 946-3923 from 7am – 5pm PT Monday – Friday

I selected Option "1" for new orders and Laura answered right away. I explained what I wanted to accomplish and she said she could temporarily remove the 10% FoundersCard discount so the $50 off $200 would trigger, then she could re-attached the 10% FoundersCard.

I placed a $50 off $200 order while I was still on the phone then she re-attatched the 10% discount once that went through.

Tip: Personal Amex Platinum cards have a $30/month PayPal credit. Wine Access takes PayPal and you could use promotions and credits and pay for the remaining balance with PayPal.

In talking with Wine Access recently they say this is something they're working on. That in the [hopefully] near future you'll be able to select which discount you want to apply at the time of check-out. That'll be nice but for now it's not so bad calling.

I probably could have achieved similar by emailing help@wineaccess.com but calling was easier for my situation.

Further Reading


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