Winner Announced in Menu Wine Breather Giveaway

Friday, December 10, 2010

It looked a little bleak there early in the week after announcing a giveaway for a Menu Wine Breather.  We didn't get a single entry until yesterday and then we wound up with 10.  Maybe there was a little gamesmanship going on with people trying to keep it quiet and sneak in at the last minute with an entry.

As promised at 7:00 am Eastern I counted up the entries we had.  I numbered the comments we received sequentially: 1 for the first comment, 10 for the last one.  Then I used to generate a number between 1 and 10.  The winning number was 8:

That means that Tara is the winner!  Congratulations!!  I'll follow up via E-mail to arrange for the manufacturer to direct ship you your Menu Wine Breather - a $69.95 value.

An interesting observation in the comments was that the device could have a promising future in winery tasting rooms where they're looking to quickly double decant wine so they can pour it from their own bottles for label/brand recognition.  I think that's a pretty smart idea.  I wonder if we'll be seeing more Menu Wine Breather's in action at winery tasting rooms in the coming year?

Check back early next week - I've got another wine accessory to giveaway.  I'd love it if you subscribed to the site so you'll hear about new updates. 

Hope you have a great weekend.


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