Coming Soon: Nuance Wine Finer Review

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Of the wine aerators I haven't reviewed on this site yet, the one I'm most frequently asked about is the Nuance Wine Finer.  It's a device that's inserted in the bottle, filters out cork and large sediment that might be in the bottle, aerates wine while it's being poured, and serves as a pourer.  Sounds like an impressive collection of features.

You may remember Boston-based CSN Stores who sponsored our Spectating on the Spectator contest - they sell everything from modern furniture to Wusthof knives.  They sell the Nuance Wine Finer for $29.95 with free shipping.  They've agreed to provide me with a sample unit so I'll be looking forward to checking it out and sharing my thoughts soon.

Subscribe to the Wellesley Wine Press and you'll automatically be notified about new posts - I've got some year-end posts coming up I'm looking forward to sharing.  Cheers!


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