Recycle Your Used Wine Corks
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What do you do with your used wine corks? If you're like me, you toss them into a series of increasingly overfull bowls that the kids occasionally tear into and toss around the house. There may be a few corks I'd like to save for sentimental value, but for the most part I think I'd be better off if I tossed them in a bag and recycled them.
ReCORK America is an organization that collects used corks and recycles them:
"Natural Cork, the kind of cork used in wine closures, is a perfect choice for recycling. It’s 100% natural, biodegradable and renewable. There is absolutely no reason natural wine corks should end up as landfill when recycled cork can become flooring tiles, building insulation, automotive gaskets, craft materials, soil conditioner and sports equipment.
Because of a worldwide interest in sustainable agriculture and natural products like cork, an alliance of concerned businesses, individuals, and ecological organizations has been formed to address the opportunities to recycle natural cork closures."
Check out the ReCORK America website for locations where you can recycle your corks. If you live in the Boston area, the only place they currently list as participating is Greenward in Cambridge. I called them and they confirm that they do indeed accept corks. Check 'em out- it looks like a pretty cool store.
Thanks to reader DZ for submitting this cool idea.