[Sold Out] 2016 Cambria Pinot Noir Clone 4 for as little as $10.71/btl fully loaded
Friday, February 12, 2021
Last week I mentioned a $30 off $100 Amex Offer for Last Bottle.
Here's a good opportunity to use it. I've seen this wine making the rounds on closeouts for very deep discount vs suggested reetail.
Cambria Julia's Vineyard Pinot Noir is a widely distributed wine you'll see around for around $20/btl. The Clone 4 bottling here supposedly retails for $56 but Last Bottle is offering it for $15/btl w/free shipping on 6.
It's a bit of a "mark it up to mark it down" or "compare at" tactic but hey - all things equal I'd rather try a $56 wine for just north of $10/btl than a $22 wine for $20.
If you have the Amex Offer you could buy 7 of them $105, and trigger the $30 offer.
$75/7 is $10.71/btl.
If you'd rather just order 6 to clear the free shipping hurdle you could. The Amex Offer spend threshold can be met across multiple transactions. It expires 4/30/2021.
Last Bottle doesn't seem to participate in cashback portals, but they do have a referral program that gets $10 off first purchase.
Thanks in advance for using my Referral Link
Even if this one sells out quickly (I bet it will) I think it's a good mailing list to be on.