WBZ-TV Interview on Massachusetts Wine Shipping Laws

Friday, January 15, 2010


WBZ-TV channel 4, our Boston CBS affiliate station, stopped by the house to interview me about the Attorney General's appeal being denied in the Family Winemakers vs. Jenkins case.  It was a bit surreal having a camera crew in the kitchen and it was a lot of fun.  Most of all it was an honor to be able to talk to so many people about an issue I'm passionate about.

I talked about the same points that I shared in a blog entry here yesterday.  This is good progress, but there's a long way to go until it's easy to have wine shipped to Massachusetts from out of state.

Head on over to their site where they've got a text summary of the 2 minute segment they ran on the 6 o'clock news (and the video embedded on the right side of the page).  And here's a link to just the video:

Thanks to Ken Tucci, Mo, and Peg Rusconi for their work on the piece.  I thought they did an excellent job summarizing the most important points of this issue.


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