[Targeted Amex Offer] $30 off $100 at WTSO
Saturday, October 22, 2022
I found a $30 off $100 at Wines 'Til Sold Out buried in my Amex Offers on my Old Blue Cash card.
Expires 12/31/2022. They usually run gift card deals around the holidays (here's an example from last year) so that could be an optimal time to lock in the savings. Or you could just buy a $100 eGC for yourself now to lock in the savings.
There's a bunch of other wine Amex Offers going right now, most notably for Wine.com - but that seems to be more targeted than in the past. As if they're refraining from targeting people who have used Wine.com offers in the past perhaps?
Not sure, but $30 off $100 at WTSO is a pretty good deal.